
The London District Catholic School Board and Ministry of Education actively promote the partnership of parents and teachers in our schools to improve the success of students at every level.
Research indicates that academics, attitudes, attendance, behaviour and graduation rates improve with increased parent engagement.

Ontario’s Vision of Parent Engagement

Parents can make a difference in student achievement and well-being when they:
  • Are welcomed, respected and valued by the school community as partners in their children’s learning and development;
  • Have opportunities to be involved in the life of the school on many levels
  • Are engaged through ongoing communication and dialogue with the teacher(s)
  • Are supported with information and tools necessary to participate in school life
Good schools become better schools when they are strongly connected with parents as part of the learning community.

A Successful Home/School Partnership:

  • Parenting: talk to you children about school, about friendships and what they are reading, and encourage a positive attitude toward learning
  • Communicating: stay in touch with your child’s teacher through agendas, notes, phone calls
  • Volunteering: seek opportunities to be part of the life of your Catholic school and CSC
  • Learning at Home: establish daily study and sleep routines, stress good work and study habits and provide a “study space” at home
  • Sacramental Preparation: support the learning as your child journeys with Christ through Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation 

A Helpful Communication Tip:

Your child's classroom teacher is your first line of communication with the school. The classroom teacher spends each day with your child, therefore being the most knowledgeable source for your questions.  So much can be accomplished when working with the teacher to reach the goals for your child in our Catholic Schools.​​​

Appropriate use of Personal Electronic Devices and Online Social Networking

The use of portable electronic devices (PED) is permitted on school premises under limited conditions as authorized by the Principal for the sole purpose of enhancing academic achievement while respecting the dignity and safety of all members of our school community.