About Us

Virtual Tour

About Our School

Welcome to St. Sebastian Catholic Elementary School website. The purpose of this site is to provide a means for our school community to access information about events and happenings at the school. We hope you find this website informative and useful throughout the year.

Our dedicated staff strives for excellence as they guide our students from junior kindergarten to grade 8. Our focus is on creating a faith filled journey while endeavouring for academic excellence. We are committed to learning excellence and believe in educating the whole child: intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. We work together to ensure that all children reach their fullest potential.

We have been blessed by the many gifts of our talented staff and students and their Shark spirit is ever present in all that we do. We offer our students many opportunities to grow in our Catholic School Community through sports teams, clubs, extracurricular and service activities. They are called to service through their many acts of kindness, showing their genuine concern for others, as they participate in numerous charity and community support events. We enjoy an active partnership with the guidance and leadership of our parish priest, and with our parish family of Fanshawe Thames Parishes.  Together we work diligently to nurture the faith lives of our young people.
Our parents/guardians are an active and integral part of our school community. They participate in our Catholic School Advisory Council, volunteer in our school as classroom helpers and assist on class excursions and school events. They make a positive difference in the lives of our students by supporting student-focused learning in a Christ-Centred environment.

We have much to be thankful for here at St. Sebastian Catholic School, we celebrate diversity and the richness that many cultures bring to a school community. St. Sebastian Catholic School is located at the top of a hill in the Glencairn subdivision in southeast London. The school was built in 1960 and has a deep rooted family history with many students parents, and grandparents also attending the school. 

Our Parish

Holy Cross Parish
10 Elm Street, London, ON N5Z 2K2



St. Sebastian is made up of 17 classrooms, 14 in the main building and 3 portables.  We have 360 students.  St. Sebastian has a library that includes a variety of books, and a gymnasium that is home to the St. Sebastian Sharks.

Living Our Faith

St. Sebastian School is proud to demonstrate our Catholic faith in action.  Various charities benefit from the efforts and generosity of staff, students and their families. Within the school, we gather as a school community on a monthly basis to celebrate our common faith.

Each day begins appropriately with a prayer/reflection on our morning announcements assisted with student announcers. Our school has a close connection with Holy Cross Parish pastoral team where we have some of our masses. We celebrate and acknowledge students on a monthly basis who exemplify the Catholic Graduate Expectation of the month. 

Transportation Information 

There are two buses bringing students to school each day. Many students are within walking distance to our school as well.

About St. Sebastian, Our Patron Saint

St. Sebastian's feast day is Jan. 20th. He is the patron saint of soldiers, athletes and those who desire a saintly death. Died 268 AD. He was martyred for denouncing the emperor’s treatment of Christians. First, he survived a multitude of arrow piercings. When he later confronted the emperor again for his mistreatment of Christians, he was clubbed to death. For more information about St. Sebastian, visit: http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=103